Riparian Artefacts
Concrete, shelving, double-walled polypropylene, adhesive vinyl, sticks, dental plaster, synthetic grass

Installation: Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia, Project Space

Riparian- (adjective) on, near or relating to the bank of a river.

Today, we live and work among a multitude of data streams of varying lengths, modulations, qualities, quantities and granularities…the riparian user is strangely connected, yet simultaneously disconnected, to the data streams that are running past at speeds which are difficult to keep up with.
David M. Berry

Riparian Artefacts is part CGI landscape, part digital debris. Like remnants washed up on the banks of a virtual river the elements that furnish the space are a sculptural investigation into technology as an extension of nature– a carefully fabricated fusion of digital and organic form. As an immersive experience, the installation references the aesthetic motifs of software but also calls for a physically active engagement on the part of the viewer/user. Artefacts.jpg Artefacts (shelves detail).jpg Artefacts detail 600 (digital-rubble).jpg